Monday, April 28, 2014

Alternative Assessment

a) What is Alternative Assessment?

Alternative assessment is a term that being used for different ways of assessing students apart from using standardized tests. This term is derived due to the fact that traditional paper and pencil tests are only assessing certain skills while other skills are being neglected. (Assessment,Articulation, and Accountability, 1999).Apart from that, Brigham Young University (n.d) defines Alternative Assessment as authentic assessment and performance test which assess students on what they can do and cannot do instead of assessing them solely on what they know and do not know.

b) Examples of Alternative Assessment:

-Performance-based assessments 
(projects, exhibitions, role playing, experiments and demonstrations)

-Writing samples


-Journals and learning logs

-Story of text retelling


-Self and peer assessments

-Teacher observations


For more examples, click this link :  Forms of Alternative Assessments

For further explanation of Popular Alternative Assessment, click here : Popular Alternative Assessment

c) The rationale of having Alternative Assessment:

1- Alternative Assessment promotes variety of skills
Alternative Assessment does not merely testing knowledge and facts. It promotes life-long skills which are needed for instance creative thinking, problem solving, summarizing, synthesizing and reflecting. All these skills will be gained during the process of completing the alternative assessment.

2- Alternative Assessment provides authentic task
The tasks for Alternative Assessment are based on real-life situation where it gives realistic context to students. Students who undergo the assessment will experience meaningful learning.

3- Alternative Assessment also cater to students different learning styles.
Students in this era are no longer the ones suitable for the chalk and talk methods in learning. They need to discuss, point out their opinion and get others opinion since they themselves loves to discover new things. Alternative assessment promotes collaborative and cooperative learning and these strategies in learning is appropriate for the students.

d) Options for recording students' performance in Alternative Assessment.

taken from Assessment,Articulation, and Accountability (1999)

There are many options that teachers can choose to record students' performance in Alternative Assessment. Among the options are rubrics, checklists, anecdotal records and observations. It is advisable for teachers to look thoroughly on the strengths and weaknesses of each options and to be suited with the types of assessments that they are having.


Assessment, Articulation & Accountability (1999). Alternative Assessment. Retrieved from

Brigham Young University (n.d). Using alternative assessment. Retrieved from

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